Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another Dent in the Apple Tree Project

On Sept 26, four brave souls endured the drizzle to once again work on the apple tree orchard that is being choked out by mature forest.

To your left is Sam Spaulding, professional forester, downing the nearby trees so that the apple trees will be exposed to more light. Sunlight is the most important thing to restore these trees. You will note an apple tree trunk to the left of the picture with its own identifying tag.

Gino Nalli is using a specialized chainsaw that can saw off the dead wood in no time.

Gary Languille, who hails from Cape Cod, also fell many trees.
Because of such a small work party, we will have to reschedule to delimb and clean up. We also will be fertilizing the trees.
Mark your calendar. Next tentative date will be October 13, at 1:00 in the Quimby Pond area. Call marcia for directions. Bring your shears and pruners.

Thank you fellas for helping to make a difference.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update on Progress

On the photo to your left, is Marcia Baker, Chairman of the project, checking out the dented and bashed enclosure, probably a moose in rut. Although you can't see it, the enclosure was beaten into an hour-glass shape. We were able to restore it somewhat, although the moose was able to get his snout underneath and munch on the "forbidden fruit".

The photos below you show "before and after" photos of our most successful plot. In this first photo you see the buckwheat abundant outside the closure. The whole field appeared white from the abundant blossom.
Then the moose and deer discovered it.

Elaine Holcum, who moniters this plot is studying the untouched growth in the enclosure on Sept. 24. In the background, the field appears mowed, as all the buckwheat and oats are leveled to the ground. Clover hasn't been touched much, as it is only an inch high. The deer and moose have barely discovered the plot on Flat Iron Road though. Each plot has its own personality. Anvil Rock and Half Moon show signs of browsing on the periphery.

This field appears mowed, without any buckwheat blossom left! It is just as well, as a frost this week has killed most of the buckwheat.
Sadly, two stealth cameras, owned by volunteers were stolen from different plots last week. A tree was cut done in order to remove one camera which had a lockbox. This tool was a very valuable part of evaluating the usuage of the plot.